
Update the inventory preparation before

Fortunately, I had stocked up with herbs, including many Wraith WOW Gold herbs which proved to be very profitable as the Auction House soon was bare of many mats as players ransacked the place looking to buy at any price (usually, my very high price)! My Alchemist sold out of batches of Potion of Treasure Finding and Flasks of Steel Skin but otherwise had a quite day.

The cooldown for Truegold is now removed, but the choke point on my server is still volatile air which kept prices at their market level. I expect the prices to gradually fall over time and peak when Mists of Pandaria goes live.

One Volatile I hadn’t expected to be in short supply was Volatile Life which was nowhere to be found on my server. The reason is probably the new inscription recipes that seem to use this mat in great quantities. So i spent a little time farming Whiptail in Uldum to Buy WOW Gold maintain my own personal supply.

