
Blasting game is really exciting

Ex-Call of Duty dev Robert Bowling has appear his accessible next-gen bold Human Element will absolution anecdotal agreeable absolute to Ouya arch up to the game's barrage in 2015 on next gen consoles, PC, adaptable and tablets.

This is the aboriginal bold alone appear for the crowdsourced Android platform.

Developed by Bowling's afresh founded flat Robotoki, Human Element is an action-RPG set in the after-effects of a crank apocalypse. The bold will affection cross-platform play and utilise GPS tracking in its handheld forms.

Human Element will be set 35 years afterwards "the event, " the game's chat for "zombie apocalypse. " Bowling explained in a Kickstarter amend video, "We're traveling to plan with the Ouya aggregation and accompany you an absolute anecdotal attending at the apple as it develops and collapses over the advance of the accident happening. "

He added that backers of Ouya on Kickstarter will accept absolute updates on Human Element's prequel.

Bowling alone donated $10, 000 to Ouya's Kickstarter - which afresh flew accomplished the 5 actor dollar mark. Not bad accustomed that it's aboriginal ambition was alone $950, 000. The Kickstarter is accessible until 9th August.

