
Hate the idea to buy World of warcraft gold

Another reason why I can understand players hate the idea of buying/selling gold is because it disrupts the wow gold economy. If there is excess gold, then the value of gold drops and the value of the item will rise causing players to spend more gold on the item than what they would normally need to pay. Basic economics 101, inflation and deflation. A player can only farm an X amount of gold over a given period of time.

The more gold ergo carrier sale there is, the more the item will cost, the more a player will have to farm unless they purchase the gold of course. Well with all these problems involving selling gold, why hasn’t Blizzard done something? I believe they probably are working on a solution but believe it not, farmers do make up about 30% of their population. Somewhere in the back of their mind I’m sure they don’t want to get rid of all subscribers. What they do instead is ban a few at a time and they would be required to buy a new world of warcraft cd key.

Extra cash flow for the mighty O Blizzard. Yes farmers and sellers do get their accounts banned. But have not heard of any buyers getting banned however. Lucky for us? As some of you may know, another popular mmorpg publisher is Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) with their many leading titles including the first MMORPG hit EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, and EverQuest 2. Why am I bringing up SOE? Because they have introduced the Sony Exchange. The Sony Exchange is a secure market place for players to auction their currencies and items to buy wow gold other players for real cash. In return SOE of course takes in a small fee for themselves.

