
Two places to collect gold

A regular explorer of the world of old Azeroth/burning crusade definitely knows the secret that the Non Player Characters (NPCs) in the world of Warcraft provide immense assistance in crafting Wow gold.

But the experience, which you gain with Wow, will let you know as to which of the NPCs help you out in making your wallet huge. Read on to know a few of the NPCs who can assist you in making Wow gold while leveling up your character.

Mazk dwells in the Booty bay of the of Stranglethorn Vale, which is a 35-36 zone. Purchase the Accurate Scope schematic for 20 silver. You can resell this at the AH for around 3-4 Wow gold and can make your wallet heavy. Knaz lives in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale, which is a 35-36 zone. The house of Knaz is indiscernible. It is situated to the east of Skullsplitter trolls. He sells Deadly Scope Schematic for 30 silver. Just buy that from him and you can sell it later at the WOW Gold AH for 3-4 Wow gold.

